Nivelles in Spring and Summer 2018
A Walk in the Woods with Olivia
And the day arrived to fly back to TGV...

Belgium enjoyed every step to their great success in the World Cup 2018. There were many rounds of beer on the house at La Bourse. Belgium would eventually finish a laudable but disappointing third, after an unexpected semi-final loss to dull, defensive France (the eventual champions). Vive les Diables Rouges!
Saturday Market in Nivelles with some added celebration. Not sure of the occasion. Some of it at the time was World Cup, but not this.
Yes, not sure of the occasion, but the method is classic Belgium.
Collegiale Sainte Gertrude
Law Courts
Bell Towers of the Collegiale, bombarded by Luftwaffe in May, 1940 and rebuilt from 1969 to 1984. (The reconstruction also permitted extensive digging among the foundations to reveal the earliest form and relics of the 8th Century abbey. Most of this was done from 1950 to 1953. See Collegial St. Gertrude page.)
Some of my favorite cafes and a wonderful view...
An unknown knight (though I expect to get to the bottom of that) and dear friend Joop with Zoe.
Jean de Nivelles (the golden boy in the gold skirt)
An outing to East Flanders
A medieval church fortress in ?????? Can't remember, but the name on the map caught our attention, sounding very medievally.
Inlaid material seems to have been removed. Perhaps colorful semi-precious stones, as we see so many places in India? Carved and painted ivory? Not sure.
They seem happy enough...
But what torments await them in Hell?
Maybe Mary and Child can intercede on their behalf. Maybe. First, judgment. (That's the medieval way to keep order and better behavior.)
This guy looks like he might have his own troubles to deal with...
Lovely Glaring Mary and Bizarre Child
If catholic priests spent more time playing chess and checkers, they might keep out of trouble.
Thuggish Angels
Exquisite Metamorphism, Terrestrial Dynamism and the Skill of Mankind
The ground is paved with tombstones. They are challenging but very interesting to decode. I have good success with dates, mainly Roman numerals, and can get a few useful clues from the Latin inscriptions.
I like when Diane gets feisty. We snuck up this dark (illumined with just one bare bulb), winding staircase. The off-duty priest saw us come back out and added nothing more to what his barely perceptible, fugacious frown communicated. (Yes, the thesaurus suggested fugacious. It's got the
right ring for the context.)
Feet back on the ground.
After a bit more driving, we escape the rain into a cafe. Nice view from the doorway.
And then back to lovely (even in the rain) Nivelles...
...where the prospect of an espresso or Leffe brings back a little sunshine. (Yes, the weather is a frequent if not constant topic of conversation in Belgium. Maybe everywhere.)
The maelström brews over city hall.
Morning Breaks Bright and Blue (again!)
A great day (as any) for a bike ride.
My Nivelles Bike, Welcome Everywhere
Eddy Merckx Mourenx 1969 with Campagnolo Chorus 11
Welcome back to town. This is the side where we reenter the square.
We were all still asleep. It was a very early train, and this was the connection. We started from the house at around 4:30 a.m. Even Starbucks French Roast (thanks, Dad!) is challenged to deal with that.
All aboard!
Goodbye for now, Nivelles. Until Summer....
A bike ride in the countryside southwest of Nivelles
And the return ride, as Nivelles awaits...
...and welcomes one's return.
Collegiale Sainte Gertrude
In a chapel to the left side of the chancel, a group of wealthy noblewomen had their private sanctuary for worship. It is not clear to me how they managed to furnish the space in such a bold, carnal, practically pagan manner, nor how the chapel has survived the centuries without alteration, vandalism, or removal. It is adjacent to the holiest section of the church.
Sensuous, Beguiling Meditations
Women in Nivelles rule, now as then.
Gertrude is the patron saint of Nivelles. Her remains are housed in the silver reliquary.
This van sells my favorite farm-fresh yogurt in reusable glass jars.
Saturday market in Nivelles with some added celebration for the World Cup and more.
Not sure why these folks were whooping it up, but it was loud and fun.
The view from my cafe table. What's not to love?!?!?
Some of my Belgian friends....
If you've made it this far, you get to meet our dear friends, and we'll buy you a beer.
We will? Yes, we will.
The day arrives to head to Washington D.C. by train, plane, and automobile (Supershuttle).
The train arrives from Brussels.
To (aux) friends (potes) of (du) 1400 (Nivelles zip code)
And then it gets ready to change directions and head right back. Handy.
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